Why Expungement Of A Criminal Conviction Is Important

Voting, housing, employment – a criminal conviction can impact every aspect of your life. Fortunately, Indiana provides an opportunity for almost anyone who is arrested or convicted of a criminal offense to seal records of their arrest, charges, or conviction through a process called expungement.

When an expungement is granted in Indiana, an individual’s civil rights, including the right to vote, are automatically restored. Additionally, the law requires that person, “be treated as if [they] had never been convicted of the offense.” I.C. 35-38-9-10(e).

These benefits can have a life-changing effect – for example, potential employers can only ask interviewees if they, “Have ever been arrested for, or convicted of, a crime that has not been expunged by a court.” If a court has granted your request for expungement, you are free to answer this question in the negative, without having to disclose your prior offense(s).
With these potential benefits in mind, it is extremely important to understand the statutory and procedural requirements for an expungement petition. If these requirements are not met, the court can summarily dismiss your petition.

At Dennis, Wenger, & Abrell, our attorneys have experience navigating these expungement requirements. We know what it takes to get your request granted so that you can move forward with your life. We’ve all made mistakes. Let us help put yours in the past – call for a confidential consultation and take the first step towards your future!