Why Expungement Of A Criminal Conviction Is Important

Voting, housing, employment – a criminal conviction can impact every aspect of your life. Fortunately, Indiana provides an opportunity for almost anyone who is arrested or convicted of a criminal…

Parenting Time Tip

If your custody and parenting time orders include the Indiana Parenting Time Guidelines, one way to set your family up for success in the New Year is to prepare a…

Tips for Working Efficiently with Your Lawyer

In both personal and business settings, it is often necessary to consult with a lawyer. The proliferation of laws and regulations at all levels of government increasing impacts many personal…

Dennis, Wenger & Abrell is Moving in Carmel

Dennis, Wenger & Abrell is moving to a new location in Carmel to serve our clients better. We are now located at 1980 E. 116th Street, Suite 220, Carmel, IN…